I know it’s a little cliché to complain about the price of gas, but seriously, $2.85 a gallon for regular unleaded is a bit much I think! It’s getting ridiculous. Who can afford this? Are you changing your driving habits because of fuel prices? We sure are. We consolidate our trips and plan out where we need to be and when in order to keep the trips to the gas station to a minimum.

Oh, and I must be getting old if I’m complaining about the price of fuel!
No, you're not old. Only 12 years ago, gas was less than a dollar for regular. I remember paying 20 bucks to fill up my car in high school. And I'm only 29 years old!
This gas thing is out of control. I only drive if I have to as well...seriously, it's insane!
ouch! i thought we were bad at $3.49!
my husband has started biking to work. it's a good workout for him, and it means we only have one tank to fill instead of two. and i'm happy that he volunteered to do it, becuase i sure as hell won't be biking to work anytime soon. i'll sell my soul to pay for my gas. i'm not lazy, i just don't like arriving places sweaty.
$3.85 ouch! It's times like these that I regret that Beaker died, In high school I would spend $11 to fill it from empty and drive it for a month on a tank, those days are gone.
You could always move back to this general area where the highest price (as of today) is at $3.39. Just thought I would throw out that suggestion wherever and as often as I can. We would love to see you and those little granddaughters more frequently.
I totally agree about the gas thing! YIKES! So thanks for the info about the site tracker...how do you get it? And by the way, your daughters are cutie patooties!
I agree with your mom :) I actually had thought about getting a Vespa, but Jeff is afraid I would be run over...plus, it's snowing again today. Yes, April 30 and snow is falling. You miss Idaho, don't you ;)
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