We have been meaning to get Devyn’s picture taken for her birthday, well, since her birthday back in November. We finally went this past Saturday.
I take her picture all the time, but I’m no photographer so we have to have studio pictures taken every once in a while. I would love to get pictures taken by this lady…I think her pictures are so stunning and real, but alas I don’t have the $1300 (starting figure that doesn’t include the pictures) for her to come and photograph my family so we just do the JCPenny thing.
The last time we got her picture taken was when she was 9 months old and she cried every time the lady pulled the camera out. I think we got two pictures from that session, and she was about to cry or crying in both of them. That was a while back so we hoped this time would be better…we were wrong. She obviously doesn’t like strangers pointing cameras at her. I think a career as a celebrity with paparazzi following her around might be out of the question…which is quite fine by me.
We ordered a bunch of prints (we will be sending copies to family, so if you're family don't worry we'll get those in the mail when we pick them up), but also opted to pay the $4.99 to have them emailed to us. I got that email today!
DH and I talk all the time about whether we think our girls are so adorable because we are their parents or because they really are cute? I think it’s that they really are adorable, and if you don’t agree that’s fine but don’t share your opinion with me because I might not like you as much after that. : )
She was so upset about being there that we kept having to give her anything we could think of to keep her even remotely happy, including Ari's notebook and pencil, and her book "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. I'm not thrilled that "The Twits" is in the picture, but her face is too cute to not have gotten copies...notice there is not one picture of her smiling...maybe next time, but I'm not holding my breath.

By the way (family) just in case you're thinking of trying to copy these pictures the following disclaimer came with the email: Professional portraits are copyright protected. Images on SmilesByWire are low resolution; intended for electronic viewing and sharing only. You may reorder our professional high quality prints by selecting "Order Portraits."
She is so cute-I can't stand that I never get to see her!
I know, I'm totally missing out on Andrew growing up!
If we ever get any money we'll be moving back that way :)
Desi...those pictures are so darling. She is a beautiful little girl. But that comes as no surprise because both her parents are great looking people. :) Love you
o she is so beautiful! i love the pictures with the ONE letters, what a fun idea! i can't believe how fast they grow!
Regarding the discussion between you and DH about your daughters - It isn't just your opinion because they really are cute and adorable. As my dearest childhood friend said during our visit yesterday at the funeral service for her sweet 95 year old mother, "A grandmother's grandchildren are the cutest in the world until she talks to another grandma." So to any grandmothers out there reading this post my two granddaughters ARE the cutest, most adorable, smartest, etc. granddaughters in the world.
Love, love, love all the poses. Thanks for sharing.
She is so cute!! The one of her face close up is great!!! Her eyes are wonderful!!
When I grow up I want to take pictures like TW. I LOVE her style of photography and really, her attitude about life and her kids as well.
I really like the bottom picture...those cheeks and lips are gorgeous.
And Q hasn't had his 3 year old pics taken...he turned 4 two weeks ago.
Oh man, she is absolutely adorable Desi. I would love to meet and can't believe she's already a year.
Oh my gosh! Desi, she is adorable, smiling or not! I love these pictures! She is gonna knock those boys dead one day! Watch out!
Those are fabulous! She has such a perfect angelic face!
I haven't ever taken Laura to a studio yet (bad mom!) but I'm worried that she will cry and lurch towards us instead of sitting still. She really doesn't like strangers.
Still, Devyn's pictures have given me hope!
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