Monday, January 28, 2008

Celebration of Abraham

I am ever hoping to instill a sense of acceptance, love and moral responsibility in my children. Along this vein we try and expose Ari and now Devyn to situations that encourage this lesson. Sunday afternoon was one of those occasions. We went to the Celebration of Abraham here in Davis. It was started after 9/11 as a way to help the religious community build a foundation of respect and tolerance based on what they have in common. It wasn’t quite what I was expecting, in that I was hoping for a little more interaction and more of what our common beliefs in Abraham are. What did happen was that a speaker from each of the major religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity all spoke on acceptance and diversity really, but not really on our commonality. I think we all too often, me included, only see how we are different from those around us. Ari was definitely bored at the event and Devyn got fussy, but I’d like to believe that just getting them to things like this at this young age will inspire them to seek out the opportunities to love and accept their neighbors who are not necessarily like them.

I have to admit that I don’t know much about other religions and have never taken the time or opportunity to learn as much as I would like, unfortunately. Last year however, we decided to go to “Fast for a Day” an event put on by the Muslim Student Association at UC Davis to help the community better understand and be able to participate in the celebration of Ramadan. I was eight months pregnant at the time and therefore didn’t participate in the fasting aspect, but even Ari was willing to try (she didn’t make it by the way, but I was proud of her for being willing to give it a shot). For those of you that don’t know, during the month of Ramadan followers of Islam are to fast during daylight hours to show self-discipline and to reject worldly desires. The program was fascinating to me, I think my favorite part was the “singing” of the prayer in what I assume was Hebrew. I was surprised at what a spiritual experience it was for me. Even though I don’t share the same beliefs as Muslims, I felt the Spirit in that room. It was another testament to me that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of his children. All the women covered their heads during the prayers and I felt bad that I didn’t do so myself, only because I had nothing to cover my head with. We had to leave early because Ari had already made plans with a friend for that evening so we didn’t get to stay to the dinner portion, but we will definitely be going back next year and I’m looking forward to staying for the whole thing next time. Oh, and I will also be bringing a scarf to cover my head out of respect. I’m glad I’m able to let Ari experience some of these things at a young age so she has a better understanding of those around her, an understanding that I’m only being to achieve in my thirties. I love that she has had many opportunities in her young life to be exposed to children around her of many different, races, ethnicities and religions and I only hope that I can be a contributing factor in helping her to continue to accept each and every one for who they are. Next I need to find an event that will help me learn more about Judaism, and other Christian religions for that matter, as my knowledge is truly lacking.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh Yes It's Ladies Night (or day rather)

DH had a scouting trip yesterday as he is the Assistant Scout Master for our Ward. They went up to North Lake Tahoe for some type of winter jamboree or something, but I digress, this post is about the ladies of the house. When DH leaves, our house is only girls, with the exception of Dante (our dog) which doesn’t really count. So we decided to have a girl’s day out. We didn’t do anything major, but I’m starting to discover that when I can get Ari away from the norm she shares the basics of her everyday life with me more. She’ll talk about friends and boys and things she likes or doesn’t like, and I love that she does this.So, we went to Applebee’s and got two, count them two, desserts to share, a Sizzling Apple Pie and their Triple Chocolate Meltdown. No, I didn’t need the calories from either one, let alone both, but Ari thanked me about a million times and it was worth it to have the time to just sit and talk and make her happy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mr. Lion

For Christmas Devyn got a playyard that has lights and sounds and multiple toys that hang over her to stimulate her little brain. Even though there are five different hanging toys, Devyn only has eyes for Mr. Lion (as we have coined him). He is brightly colored and she absolutely loves him.

She flirts with him, laughing, cooing and smiling for longer than she concentrates on anything. What's even more amazing is that she always looks to the left if given the chance and Mr. Lion typically hangs over her right shoulder. She had to break away from the norm just to look at him in the first place and now no matter where he hangs she is sure to find him. We try not to give her too much Mr. Lion time so he doesn't lose his allure. Well, here's to you, Mr. Lion, for making Devyn so happy.

Try as I might, I wasn't able to truly capture her admiration on film, but this at least gives you an idea.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Devyn had her two month visit with the Pediatrician almost two weeks ago now, but I couldn't resist putting up the pictures of her getting her shots. It was so sad, as any mother can attest. She was laying there completely unsuspecting...when the first shot went in she gasped for breath and held it in for probably 20 seconds before screaming for dear life. Why on earth do we do this to our sweet little babies, I know it's for their own good, but it sure is hard to watch. Devyn, I hope you know we love you even though we let them do that to you.

An unsuspecting Devyn...

Why are you letting them do this to me?

Crying actual tears.

All better now!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Little Girl!

I relate so much of my life to music or poems or quotes, so half the time I’m writing something, something is playing or being recited in my head. For example this post title, when I think of the song My Little Girl by Tim McGraw I think of Ari. She is my little girl but she’s growing up right before my eyes. She has obviously been growing up more and more everyday since she was born, but sometimes I don’t really see it because she’s my little girl. Sometime when I look at her it just hits me that she’s not a little girl anymore. I think I’ve realized this even more ever since Devyn was born. Having a baby in the house makes me realize just how grown up Ari really is. She is a great big sister and a really big help sometimes.

Well, one of the things that has reminded me recently how big she’s getting is that for years now she has been asking me if she can shave her legs and I’ve always told her no, she’s too young. I mean she’s only 9! Well she was starting to ask more and more saying she didn’t like all the dark hair on her legs when she wore shorts, so we broke down and got her an electric razor (so she is less likely to take off half of her shin in the process) for Christmas.So, here’s my little girl, who’s turning into a young woman right before my eyes, shaving her legs for the first time. She was all ready for church and decided she wanted to shave before we went, hence the skirt! (Wouldn’t you just kill for those long legs?)

Here’s a clip with the song in case you aren’t familiar with the lyrics because they really describe how I feel about Ari. One part that I really like is a line that says “Sometimes you're asleep I whisper ‘I Love You!’ in the moonlight at your door.
As I walk away, I hear you say, ‘Daddy Love You More!’ She and I have done this thing for years as I’m tucking her into bed and she’ll ask me how much I love her and I’ll say “more than anything” and then it usually goes something like “I love you more,” then “I love you mostest of all”, “I love you to infinity” and then “I love you to infinity and back.” She and I have had our issues because we are both pretty strong willed, but we are also amazingly close and I love that about us. I love you the mostest of all Ari, and don’t ever forget that.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Someday we'll put it together and get it all done...

I thought some people might wonder where my blog title comes from. It actually comes from a favorite song of mine from way back in the seventies I think. Now I realize I was alive in the seventies, but I don't remember it from back then. I actually fell in love with this song when I heard it in "Boyz N the Hood" back in high school. I just love the music and the lyrics and I thought that would be a fitting title for my blog because someday I do hope to figure out how to put everything together and get it all done. Until then I'll just keep trying :)

If you want to hear the song you can watch this YouTube video along with watching a little Boyz N the Hood while you're about it:)

Friday, January 11, 2008


I have a confession to make...I love reading other people's blogs. I actually lurk most of the time getting glimpes into their everyday lives. I mostly read blogs from scrapbookers I admire or people I know, but I love how you get to see little snippets of their lives. I'm not great at keeping a journal or keeping my scrapbooking up-to-date and I want to have those little snippets recorded somewhere for my family. I want to be able to look back and have the simple, everyday stuff chronicled somewhere. I can't promise how good I'll be at keeping it up, but this is really just for me and it's a bonus if anyone else out there cares to take a peek from time to time.

So to start out I have to add my most recent favorite picture. It is of the two most beautiful girls in the world, Ari and Devyn, on the day Devyn was born. Ari has wanted to be a big sister for as long as I can remember, and at 9 years old she finally is.