I hate for things to die! So when DH picked me up for lunch today, we were driving down the road when we drove over the top of something, not realizing until we were going over it that is was a snake. DH could see in the rearview mirror so I immediately asked him if it was still alive and he said he couldn’t tell. We backed up making sure not to run over it. DH got out and sure enough it was just sunning itself and lifted its head and started tasting the air with its tongue to check out DH. During this multiple cars drove by narrowly missing the snake. I told my husband that we couldn’t just leave it there to die, he rolling his eyes at me but got an umbrella out of the trunk. After the snake tried to strike about a dozen times, DH finally got it to the side of the road where it slithered off into the trees. Not every man would stand out there in the middle of the street to save the life of a 2 foot long snake, but DH did because he loves me and he knows it makes me happy. Isn’t he sweet?
Here I thought I was the only lurker out there.
Oh my goodness Desi! Yu have a very tender heart if you would save a snake. I am proud of you. I am terrified of them and would never have gone back to see if it was OK. I would have just passed out after realizing what I had run over :)
Well that's neat that he would do that. Thanks for your comments on my blog.
I am the same exact way with animals! My husband has put up with me several times!! :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog...
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